Thursday, June 19, 2008

Not good enough?

There was a blood donation camp at work today and a colleague of mine asked me if I wanted to go. I said yes, I have never done anything on a personal level as such in terms of social service so decided this was a good opportunity to do it. Plus. PLUS. I could get to know my blood group. Yeah. I am ignorant like that. Not even in the know of what my own blood group is. Sigh!

We went down to the camp and they pricked us both with a needle first to see if we are "fit enough" to donate blood. Eh? Such a thing exists? I remember my mom telling me sometime back that of all the people young and old that were available to give blood when my Dad wasn't keeping well, only hers was good enough (AND she is over 50 years, she is the fittest 50+ woman I have seen so far). I quite forgot about it till they tested us today.

Turns out the blood wasn't fit enough to be donated. Not enough haemoglobin (silly Firefox, h-a-e-m-o-g-l-o-b-i-n IS the spelling I learnt for it) apparently. Hmm...

They at least told me what my blood group was and needless to say it was the commonest of the common, nothing special even in the blood you say? What to do, no? They gave us both a pamphlet which detailed how to increase haemoglobin levels in the blood. One of the bullets was to "avoid consumption of fried foods"

Ha! Like THAT is going to happen :))


Anonymous said...

Yep.. it does exist .. happened to someone in my team also today..

Smitha said...

loll..looll..Like that's going to happen....too good

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