Sunday, March 16, 2008

Strike - Two

The gang wanted to go to LaserQuest to have a party and see us off, but I am down with a violent cold and we had some people come over and pick up some stuff at home, so we totally made a disaster of those plans:( By the time we were finally ready to go anywhere it was evening, so we decided to go to Strike, for me it was two days in a row. I went with my team on Friday:) Overall it was a good evening, I didn't bowl in form, my right hand was aching from all that Air hockey we played on Friday. Plus I couldn't relish the French Fries because of my cold, and I think that was the biggest disappointment for me;) But did I stop eating. No, of course not, now, come on..;)

It will be sad to part with the gang. And the only consolation will be that one of them is also moving back a month after us :) So it won't be that bad :D


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