Friday, March 28, 2008

R2I diaries - Day Two


Today both me and Subhash start work. We left as usual. Got in the whirlwind of traffic for an hour as usual. Y left home early at 7.30, he took Cisco's shuttle and left the car for us :D If not for Y and S, we probably would have had a nightmare trying to move around. Thanks to them both. Can't do it enough.

Reached work, and met most of the important people I had to meet. Went around with a colleague who I had met earlier at San Jose when she was there. Then that was it. back to business nose-dive. Started clearing things which had piled up at work over the weekend. Went for lunch with Y and met a couple of his friends, discussed some office politics with them and went back to work. I had a lot of work accumulated and it was painful clearing it. (That is why I didn't blog either ;) ) I managed about 20% ;) The rest I had to wait for my team in San Jose to clear somethings. But all in all, a good day's work done. We left late in the evening, got stuck in the traffic again (notice how routine this is getting;) ), picked S up from her work, went home, she made dinner with amazing speed and we had dinner and called it a day.

Subhash said his day went well. He was the lucky one unlike me, spent the day just meeting people ;)


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