Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Punctuate those lines!

On an unconnected note, I am super thrilled with the response my 20-30 blog got. Thank you folks!

These days I find more and more that my comma usage has gone for a toss. Of course in emails I still maintain strict grammar and spelling but mostly the chat lines are all one long string of words. Often I've caught myself unable to understand what I've written to someone on chat in the last one week. And I HATE it.

Of course in this generation where English is murdered left and right, where "the" is written as "d" (This one I absolutely HATE the most, tops the list, and what more one of my ex-English teachers' also uses it!), and through becomes thru even in official emails (I am also guilty of typing thru in chat but if and only if I am carrying the baby in my right hand and trying to type fast and get some message across with the left hand), I guess my lack of commas will go absolutely un-noticed. Still, like someone said (I don't know who), so far as I know my work is faulty, I cannot sleep in peace.

So here is making a conscious effort to get those commas back in chat ;)


Not exactly Anonymous said...

> I guess my lack of commas will go absolutely un-noticed

Nope. Most People will just not correct you, either because they're afraid to nitpick (subordinates) or they don't care (all the rest) :)

> So here is making a conscious effort to get those commas back in chat ;)

Shouldn't there be a "," after "So" ? (Actually, you should not be starting a sentence with words like that, IIRC) :)

BTW, "Eats, Shoots and Leaves" is a great book on punctuation.

DivSu said...

@Not exactly anonymous - Is this Abhi? :)

Yes, I agree :)

I said chat was off course, email is on track, I never said where the rest of my compositions lie, so I guess I can be excused on mistakes in the blog :))

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