Friday, October 05, 2007

Humbled..from time-to-time

I had a very highly embarrassing situation at work yesterday. And the fact that I could have prevented it by due diligence made it worse if not killing. In the chain of thoughts that followed through the evening (and that was a long chain), I came to that realization yet again. That from time to time I have these humbling experiences. Whenever I begin to feel like I know a lot, or that I can conquer anything (more on the egoistic end), something happens that crushes it all. And I have to start from scratch. I feel its a good thing for me. Keeps me from growing over-confident (if not cocky). And yet again, I thank God for small graces and helping maintain my balance in life :)


Anonymous said...

Oh-ho yes, I have felt that more than often. Helps keep our heads in place. ;--)

Random thots said...

There are always people who know better than us.That keeps us away frm overconfidence and its effects

dharmabum said...

thank you. reminding ourselves of our 'place' in the larger scheme of things often leads to a lot of humility ...:)

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