Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Stupid ... if you know it

Whenever I post something on Craig's list, I invariably get emails like this:

I am interested in your item above, listed for sale on
Craigslist. I am willing to make an offer of $200 for it. Kindly get
back to me if it's still for sale, and it's present condition and pics
if you have any.

Maybe if I was a first timer, I would be duped but now, no. It is so obviously an attempt to (ph)fish out personal information from you. Actually the email above is not such a classic exhibit, when I re-post my latest item, I will put up some more classics (all the ones I got this time were deleted automatically before I could preserve the specimens, since I reported them as phishing attempts).

Interestingly most of the kith and kin of such sc(p)ammers seem to live in West Africa or some remote part of Africa or the other. Wonder why all these morons choose just Africa to go to ;) Once you know it, their plot seems so repetitive and stupid, most of the times I just laugh at them!


Anonymous said...

Oh-ho man! I know! Also some of them want us to send our account numbers so they can transfer the money for the stuff!! Sleek!

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