Wednesday, March 21, 2012

7 years!

Finished 7 years with Cisco today - randomly posted a status on Facebook this morning - and I got a comment (which went on to become a story dialogue) from one of the managers that had interviewed me back then. I remember and always cherish that interview day although it left me sick of the word called "ping". The job was an absolute necessity then and also it was my dream company, I was very nervous needless to say. I interviewed with three teams for a grueling 12 hours and was dead tired when I went back to the hotel that night. I waited very nervously for an offer and when it was made - my life was made. From then to now - it has been one hell of a ride - always something interesting - always something challenging - somehow always NICE. I am hoping I have many more such years and niceness :) Now I finish more years in India than in the US ;) One more big thing I always wanted to do but did not really know if I will be able to.


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