Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The endless phase of sickness

So the son is sick. He has been having varying problems since a month. First, in our Hyd trip for the Christmas break, he went on a finger-licking rampage and got himself diarrhea. Which resulted in a bad, bad case of nappy rash, which moved on to thrush, which didn't get cured till we we were a week back in Bangalore. Then Subhash had to leave for the UK for a week from 8th, and I fell sick, the first two days. Then he picked up towards the end of the week, and it made me feel like I was going through the worst week in my life. Ever. Nights would be a nightmare, spent in praying that the son doesn't throw up or have diarrhea or develop temperature. Somehow I revived him with some feeds happening at 1 AM in the night etc. He seemed fine about a day after Subhash was back and so we sent him back to the daycare, and then he was fine that week, and this weekend again, it started. The vicious cycle of throwing up and diarrhea and it goes on and on. Friday I stayed home. Monday he threw up in the daycare so I got him home early, took him to his regular doc and he said it is a viral attack and we just need to wait it out to get cured. Yesterday Subhash and I were both home.Today is luckily an off in India. Tomorrow I have to go to work, and I have no idea what to do. He doesn't seem to be getting any better. He has lost a KG (which, as a % of 12KG is a lot!) and I have no idea how to go about making him regain that weight given that he doesn't retain even 30% of what he eats because of this sickness.

We try to be cheerful, I try to focus on other things, but underneath it all, it is very depressing. I feel so sorry for him that he has to go through all of this at such a young age :(


Anonymous said...

I hear ya... li'l ones' sickness tears our mothers' hearts. But if it's any consolation, trust me, they are stronger than we think and will bounce back in no time. An year from now, you wouldn't even remember if he ever was sick.

SK said...

Oh Divs, hugsss.
Hope son gets better soon.

DivSu said...

@Anonymous, SK - Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Not sure where I had posted my comment earlier , so sending it again ..Do u have a separate blog just for ur baby? If so please let me know the link...I am a mother of a 4 month old n wud love to read abt. tips n tricks on raising a child..thanks in advance...

DivSu said...

@Anonymous - I think you did on another post :) I used to write a separate blog but not anymore :)

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